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Year: 2022

Listed Genre: Action, Comedy, Fantasy

Listed Summary: A hard-working, blue-collar dad just wants to provide a good life for his quick-witted 10-year-old daughter. His mundane San Fernando Valley pool cleaning job is a front for his real source of income: hunting and killing vampires.

The UnReel Take:

Bottom Line: If you’re looking for a purely entertaining film that will make you laugh and don’t need an enriching story, then you found it. Day Shift is entertaining while the plot isn’t too complex, in fact, any movie lover will probably figure out the story in the first 30 minutes. Don’t let that deter you, Franco’s character really brought this movie together for me; without him, I feel this film would be a bit lower on the scorecard. It’s just as easily a movie to throw on in the background while doing some housework - you can come and go and fill in the blanks. Additionally, the music is amazing if you grew up in the 90’s, trust me!

UnReel AR: 6.8

UnReel Category: Vampire Action - There are many entertaining action sequences in this film, but there is also plenty of comedy. Any lover of both will have no regrets sitting down for 2 hours to be entertained.

Food Pairing: Trying to eat healthy? Try organic, gluten-free, paleo muffins. Want some more flavor? Mix up anything with a heavy dose of garlic to keep any vampires at bay, like spaghetti or even just some garlic bread if you don’t like too much gore.

Drink Pairing: Your drink pairing fits with your food choice above - grab some coffee to prep for a long day of hunting vampires, spiced up how you choose. Or, if you went the pasta route, get some red wine to help wind after a long day.


