Year: 2007

Listed Genre: Biography, Comedy, Drama

Listed Summary: A drama based on a Texas congressman Charlie Wilson's covert dealings in Afghanistan, where his efforts to assist rebels in their war with the Soviets have some unforeseen and long-reaching effects.

The UnReel Take:

Bottom Line: This film follows the true story of Congressman Charlie Willson from Texas during the 80’s, and his efforts to fund the mujahedeen during the Afghan war against the Soviets. The story is interesting and really pulls the curtain back on the tit for tat politics that happen behind the scenes and at exclusive parties. It portrays how one man can come into so much power, being in the right position at the right time, consorting with the right friends, and being able to speak to the right people. Overall, the movie is enjoyable for adults, just wait until the kids are asleep before starting.

UnReel AR: 7.0

UnReel Category: Historical Drama - While the film is based on historical events, the drama that surrounds Charlie Wilson throughout the film may be exaggerated and historical events have been streamlined to fit into the runtime.

Food Pairing: Since we believe this movie is best viewed after hours, we’re skipping the meal suggestion, but see our “digestif” choice below.

Drink Pairing: Pull out your bottle of Talisker scotch whiskey, or go buy one for this event and save the rest for a special occasion. It’s a beautiful blend of smoke, sweet, sand salt, all characteristics Charlie had to push his agendas. Likewise, just be sure to check the bottle for bugs before talking about potentially incriminating actions around it.


